World Backup Day is March 31st

Have you run a backup lately?  A core element of any stable enterprise is a reliable and thought-out data backup system in case something goes wrong down the line - such as a fire, hacking, system failure, or any of the multitude of ways data can be damaged.  However, many companies and individuals don't back up nearly as often as they should, says the organizers of World Backup Day, an independent initiative that works to raise awareness about backups and data preservation as well as "preserving our increasingly digital heritage and cultural works for future generations".  They have set March 31st as their "World Backup Day" where they encourage everyone to make a backup of their data (though they admit that every day should be a backup day).  March 31st was chosen as a humorous dig at April Fool's Day on April 1st.

The group started on Reddit of all places, a site that hosts tens of thousands of new pieces of information daily and is a poster child for the need to back up your data.  According to World Backup Day:

  • 30% of people have never backed up
  • 29% of [data] disasters are caused by accident
  • 113 phones are lost or stolen every minute
  • 1 in 10 computers are infected with viruses each month

These are all events that have a serious impact on the ability to recover data, and running a simple regular backup that World Backup Day recommends can help to make things right.  Even though their focus is on individuals, these practices absolutely carry over to enterprise data management as well. To learn more about the initiative please visit their website.

PaperFree Corporation is not officially supported or endorsed by World Backup Day.

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