Retail enterprises both large and small find themselves burdened with volumes of content – customer information, product schedules, and facility data - content that must be managed, organized, and accessible. Increasingly, managing paper data is becoming more of a challenge given new trends, media, competition, and customer demands requesting it.
Information Capture & Management
PaperFree offers an opportunity to turn this paper into useful, efficient information with enterprise information capture and management solutions. These systems are the foundation on which successful business data management is built. From collaborating on business documents to delivering case-based applications to managing highly precise processes in most regulated business environments, the powerful workflow and management capabilities of these systems will organize all your business information and make it accessible in the fast world of retail.
Content management works by storing data in one central, streamlined repository while enabling users in all areas of your enterprise to access the information they need quickly. Customer files can be created and updated. Product lines and their components can be managed. Campaigns can be organized across distributed production staff. Taxonomies and built-in workflows are also included to enhance the access of information by cross-linking information and allowing quick searches. Effective permission configurations keep information available to only those who are allowed to see it. And, it’s scalable and administration is simplified.

Accounts Payable | Accounts Receivable
PaperFree offers solutions that speed up your organization's accounting processes - solutions that can receive invoices, digitize them, and then populate them into a workflow that is automatically routed to the correct department. Accounts payable needs are covered as well with powerful utilities such as DepositCritical check processing. By doing this, your enterprise can speed the reconciliation of accounts and reduce the error that comes with handling paper documentation.
Facilities Management
A successful retail enterprise got to where it is because of a network of physical facilities that play a key role in getting a product into a consumer's hands. And, all of these facilities must be accounted for and managed. Managing this information with a content management solution allows retail enterprises to store and maintain information about their physical assets - lease information, building specs, position on the distribution chain, and many other aspects required to run a successful business.
Human Resources
Human Resources departments are one of the most paper-heavy departments of an organization. The paperwork is endless: employee files, benefits forms, disability paperwork, payroll, reports, applications, memos, etc. - this burden can slow down any department. With a PaperFree solution, these files can be managed and retrieved quickly and easily. No more lost paperwork or piles of things to file - everything is automatic, streamlined, and accessible by those with proper permissions. Employees enjoy faster responses to their inquiries and the overall process is more streamlined.
Legal departments for retail enterprises are a busy place. Whether it's ensuring proper use of intellectual property, responding to incidents in stores, or managing the business affairs of the enterprise, enterprise content management eases this burden by enabling your industry to maintain accurate, comprehensive reports for cases and filing with government agencies. Powerful workflows assist in making sure that no steps are missed in the process and that all of the correct assets are available. And, documentation for legal cases can be easily organized and reviewed by only those with permission to do so.
Member Management
One of the perks of being a regular customer is the benefits that come with it in the form of discounts, special offers, and directed advertising. Many industries offer frequent shopper programs, none more famously than retail, and the information necessary to run these programs must be managed. PaperFree offers solutions to create, capture data for, and manage such programs to assist you in rewarding and keeping frequent customers.
Mergers & Acquisitions
Among one of the most complex and confusing processes an organization will undergo is a merger or acquisition. The consolidation of workforces, physical assets, intellectual property, and business processes is an intensive undertaking. By organizing your information with an enterprise content management solution, you can track the process of specific steps, who has them, and where they will go next. PaperFree's backfile conversion solutions also allow you to digitize old, paper information to make it more easily available for review by regulators and workers. By streamlining the process of a merger or acquisition, this solution saves money, time, and the headaches involved.
Enterprise information capture and management solutions from PaperFree empower your enterprise to put its data to work for you – reducing costs, time searching for information, and increasing the power of your business information. To learn more about how PaperFree can employ these solutions in your organization, please give us a call today.